Common Furnace Problems You Should Know


Like any other HVAC appliance, you'll have to deal with a couple of furnace problems. Most people don't realize their furnace or heating systems have issues until the winter arrives. That's when they'll make calls to have their furnace repaired. 

Unfortunately, people don't know the kind of problems that attack furnaces. They only know that their furnace isn't working as expected. The truth is you should know what's happening to your furnace to prevent such problems in the future. Here are the most common heating repair services you might experience.

Cracked Heat Exchanger

The heat exchanger is the largest component in your furnace, and it's responsible for fuel combustion. Without the heat exchanger, your furnace won't blow hot air. Unfortunately, age will catch up with the heat exchanger causing a few cracks. A cracked heat exchanger cannot burn the fuel completely. 

As such, there will be dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in your home. You can tell that your heat exchanger is cracked if a weird smell comes from the furnace or there is visible rust or corrosion on the internal components.

Furnace Isn't Producing Heat

While the main work of your furnace is to distribute warm air, it reaches a point when it won't produce heat due to underlying problems. This problem comes up if the settings on your thermostat are wrong. 

For instance, you have the fan setting turned on or didn't set your thermostat to the heat setting. The problem could also be connected to the pilot light or air filters. You should call a technician to inspect your furnace and do the necessary repairs, regardless of what's causing the problem.

Short Cycling

Short cycling is another problem that homeowners complain about often. Short cycling happens when your furnace keeps going on and off. Unless it's a setting on your thermostat, your furnace should run for some time before it goes off. During short cycling, your furnace will only run for a few minutes before it turns off. Short cycles should signal that there's a problem with your furnace.

In most cases, short cycling happens because of overheating. As you well know, overheating comes when there is restricted airflow in the furnace. Replacing the air filters can do the trick, but you might want to call for furnace repair services if it fails.

Other problems that you might come across include the following:

  • Furnace leaking water
  • Noisy furnace
  • Malfunctioning thermostat
  • Mechanical wear and tear
  • Ignition control or pilot light problems

All these are problems you should leave to a furnace repair professional to solve. Don't attempt to handle these issues if you don't know anything to do with furnaces.


20 September 2021

furnace repairs - do it yourself?

Can furnace repairs be made by the average DIYer? If you know a little about what you are doing, is it possible to avoid the expense of having a professional come out to take care of any problems that you are having? My blog is all about furnace safety and repair. You will learn a few things that you can do on your own and advice for when to call in the professional repair technician to assist with the repairs. By the time you reach the end, you will have a better understanding of what you can and should not do on your own.