An AC unit will use a lot of electricity. However, during the hottest parts of the day, an AC unit is just what you need to keep your home cool. On the other hand, at night, when the sun goes down and the outside temperature starts to fall, your AC unit may be overkill. This is where having a secondary cooling system can help. This is where you might be able to use a house fan to help you save money on cooling costs.
What Is a House Fan?
A house fan is not an ordinary fan. To install one, you must first cut a hole through the ceiling of your home into the attic. You can then install the house fan in this hole and use it to vent hot air out of your home through the attic. If you open your windows, you can pull cool air into your house at the same time. In this way, you can cool your house down in a matter of minutes. And the best part about a house fan is that it uses much less electricity than an AC unit. How much less? Ninety percent less.
Heat Reservoirs
The heat that your home absorbs during the day is part of the challenge your AC unit faces when cooling your home at night. A house fan can turn this on its head. As you cool the objects in your home through the night, they will cool the air in your home. They will then stay cool into the day and help to keep the air in your home cool. This is what is known as a heat—or in this case cold—reservoir. If you feature large cement slabs in the construction of your home, you can maximize the effect of these reservoirs, as it will take the sun and other heat sources much longer to heat up these slabs during the day, so they will help to keep your home cool for longer.
When you seek to enhance your heating and cooling system, it is important to remember that the machinery you use to cool your home is only one part of the equation, and an AC unit is only one example of the type of machinery you can use to cool your home. By using a house fan, you can greatly decrease the amount of money that you use to cool your home, and thus keep your costs as low as possible. Contact a heating and cooling expert in your area for more about this topic.
Share20 October 2016
Can furnace repairs be made by the average DIYer? If you know a little about what you are doing, is it possible to avoid the expense of having a professional come out to take care of any problems that you are having? My blog is all about furnace safety and repair. You will learn a few things that you can do on your own and advice for when to call in the professional repair technician to assist with the repairs. By the time you reach the end, you will have a better understanding of what you can and should not do on your own.